Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gun For Fun (Preparing for the zombie apocalpyse)

Speaking of shooting... GUNS! Not just for hicks and convicts! Guns ARE dangerous but can be surprisingly fun when used carefully and in the right environment, AKA shooting ranges. Today, Rhi and I decided to try our hand at firearms.

Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots!

I don't have a better picture of this activity because I do not own a gun and they don't allow cell phones or cameras at the shooting range. The indoor shooting range is pretty rad. Costs can vary depending on location but you can buy a 50 round box of 9mm of ammunition and target and rent a lane for an hour for about $25 per person. You can either bring your own gun or rent one from them for not too much. Prices depend on the model and caliber. Most places will provide you with protective eye-wear and ear plugs or ear muffs. If they do not, you have to buy some as it is a safety requirement. There are two different ranges in the indoor firing range: the rifle range and the handgun range. When shooting with a rifle the target will generally be about 100 yards away and when shooting with a handgun it can be anywhere from 5 to 33 yards away.

Now that we got costs and safety out of the way, the real fun begins. You've loaded your gun, you're standing in your lane and aiming to shoot the target in front of you. Bullseye? No, ZOMBIE. Yes, you can buy ZOMBIE targets or print them from your computer at home. They look about like this.

Now when a Facebook quiz asks you if you can survive the zombie apocalypse you can answer with surety: YES I CAN. This is a much better experience than just living out these fantasies through video games because let me tell you, the kick from a real gun is so much more satisfying than even the shotgun from Halo 2. So the next time your buddies want to stay in all day playing COD, bring them out to the firing range and practice for the future. Death to evil corporate zombies!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Just Shoot Me

I haven't had many modelling gigs lately and it's starting to stress me out! I really need the money since I'm moving into a new apartment at the end of the summer. I also would like to achieve my dreams as soon as possible. One of my goals is to get published in a magazine like Cosmo or Glamour. If you are a photographer and would like to shoot with me, let me know! It'd be really helpful! On a side note, I also love to cosplay. Pokemon is another love of mine. This is me as Pichu. Special thanks to RMT Photography. My ModelMayhem account number is #1607040.

Driveway Jacuzzi

Friday night with nothing to do... Why not chill in the hot tub? You don't have one???

Kiddie Pool Time Machine

With a friend, drive to the nearest Wal-Mart and buy a 6 ft wide kiddie pool. (Preferably the kind you don't have to inflate.) They are about $12. Set it up in your driveway or backyard. Fill buckets with hot water and bubble bath. Filling the pool may take a while but after you finish, just hop in, break out the Mike's Hard Lemonade and stay there all night with your friends. Time flies when you're being ridiculous!

For a twist, try using a hose with cold water to cool off during a hot summer day!


Within our circle of "philosophers" we always strive to make every day an adventure. Try making a boring night in a little more fun, like we did in January 2009...


First, gather twigs, leaves, newspaper, bits of left over Christmas tree and stones. Set the stones in a circle and put all the leaves and newspaper in the middle. Call a close friend or two to come over. Bring out the marshmallows, chocolates and sticks. Have your friends bring hot chocolate or tea. Matches work best for lighting the fire. Put on some quiet and soothing instrumental music, nothing that will distract away from the conversation. Then just spend the evening catching up with your friends, talking about life and relaxing. Keep some water nearby in case you need to put the fire out. Have fun! (And be careful!)

Welcome to the New Vienna Circle

Hey everyone! Taylor Kane here, founder of the New Vienna Circle. Knowledge can only be obtained through experience... we are here to experience everything. This is an account of our progress through adventures, philosophy and art. As well as a list fun things to do that outside the norm. We don't think outside the box. There is no box.